Below is the list of Town Hall meeting dates and locations the Grand Master has scheduled for this year. Be sure to pass the word to the Brethren of your Lodge and encourage their attendance. This is an excellent opportunity for the Brethren to meet with the Grand Master and Line Officers and speak to them in an informal setting. Casual attire is permitted.
District 3 – Tuesday March 2, Milford Masonic Temple
30 Mont Vernon St, Milford
District 2 – Thursday, March 4, Derry Masonic Temple
58 E. Broadway, Derry
District 5 – Monday, March 8, Rochester Masonic Temple
31 Hanson St. Rochester
District 1 – Wednesday, March 10, Portsmouth Masonic Temple
351 Middle St. Portsmouth
District 4 – Monday, March 15, Boscawen Masonic Temple
53 North Main St. Boscawen
District 6 – Thursday, March 18, Holderness Masonic Temple
1 US Rte 3, Holderness
District 8 – Thursday, March 25, Lancaster Masonic Temple
25 Main St. Lancaster
District 7 – Wednesday March 31, Bristol Masonic Temple
61 Pleasant St. Bristol
- Light refreshments at 6:30
- Open at 7:00pm
- Greetings from the Grand Master
- Review of the 2020 Charity Fund Drive-Deputy Grand Master
- Review of the Percapita increase proposal-Grand Treasurer
- Review of the Temple Association Tax concerns-Junior Grand Warden
- A reminder of the Special Ladies Award-Junior Grand Warden
- The Path Forward’-Deputy Grand Master
- General Q&A
Due to the ongoing pandemic issues, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Masks and social distancing will be enforced
NO meals are to be provided: - Prepacked snacks will be permitted
- No self-service coffee or tea
- If you plan to offer coffee/tea, you need to have one or two individuals pour and hand out packaged cream and sugar
- If water or soda is being provided, one Brother should hand out rather than everyone just reaching into a cooler.
At the moment, plans are for in-person meetings. This could change at the very last minute. Advise all the Brethren to keep an eye on their emails for a last-minute change to a virtual meeting. If this happens the link will be provided as far in advance as possible.