By Right Worshipful Brother Bruce Kominz, DDGM, 6th Masonic District
Over 35 Masons, their families and friends gathered on Saturday July 8, 2017 at the Holderness, NH Masonic Hall. This was the annual Masonic Veterans Program for Olive Branch Mount Prospect Lodge No. 16: Worshipful Brother Jay Bernier, Master; Red Mountain Lodge No. 68: Worshipful Brother Stephen Hird, Master; and Chocorua Lodge No. 83: Right Worshipful Brother Al Flateau, Master.
The highlight of the day was when our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother John Lobdell made the following special award presentation from the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, which was the bestowing of the Major General John Sullivan Medal in Bronze upon Worshipful Brother Ben Fullerton. Worshipful Brother Fullerton is a multi-year Past Master of Red Mountain Lodge No. 68 (known as the tiniest Lodge in the State). His wife Jen was by his side as they were humbled to receive this recognition.

Most Worshipful Brother John Lobdell (and his suite) is received for the program (photo by Susan Kominz)
Prior to this, Worshipful Brother Stephen Hird, Master of Red Mountain Lodge No. 68, was escorted to the East. Appreciation for Members of Red Mountain Lodge were expressed. This was followed by Worshipful Brother Jay Bernier, the Master of Olive Branch Mount Prospect Lodge No. 16, being escorted to the East. Appreciation for Members of Olive Branch Mount Prospect Lodge were expressed.
Next, Right Worshipful Brother Al Flateau (Past Deputy Grand Lecturer and Past District Deputy Grand Master 8th Masonic District), Worshipful Master of Chocorua Lodge No. 83, was escorted to the East. A 25-year Veterans pin and certificate were presented to Brother William Pond. The Grand Master then presented Brother Pond with his Grand Masters pin. Next, a 40-year Veterans pin and certificate were presented to Brother Alfred F. Vogel. The Grand Master then presented Brother Vogel with his Grand Masters pin. Chocorua Lodge Members congratulated both recipients.
The Gavel was then turned over to our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother John Lobdell, who then presented from the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire a 50-year medal, pin and certificate to Brother Errol S. Chase, Sr. of Chocorua Lodge No. 83. Public Grand Honors were rendered.
The gavel was finally returned to Right Worshipful Brother Kominz, Master of Ceremonies, who thanked Worshipful Brother Bob Coppo, Grand Organist and everyone for their attendance, as well as those who brought “pot luck” items.
Before passing the gavel to Most Worshipful Brother John Lobdell, Grand Master, Brother Kominz noted that Masonic Customs and Courtesy yield the “final word” to the Grand Master. Remarks were given by the Grand Master, who introduced the Grand Lodge Officers who were present along with their wives.
A closing prayer and blessing (for the pot luck meal) was given by our Chaplain, Worshipful Brother Jay Wyman.
A good time was had by all!