Member of Horace Chase Lodge No. 72 Receives Scouter Award
A special Grand Lodge Award was presented recently at Horace Chase Lodge No. 72 Veterans & Special Ladies event.
Worshipful Brother Peter Crouch, a Past Master of Horace Chase Lodge, has been a very active adult leader in the local Boy Scout Group. To his surprise, he was called up to receive the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award.
Right Worshipful Brother Alan Lugg, chair of the Grand Lodge Committee on Scouting, and District Deputy Grand Master for the 4th Masonic District, spoke about the efforts Brother Crouch has and continues to make for the Boy Scouts. In honor of that service he received this prestigious award.
Pictured are Right Worshipful Brother Ken Clay, Deputy Grand Master; Worshipful Brother Peter Crouch and Right Worshipful Brother Alan Lugg.
Special Ladies and Masonic Veterans Honored
On Saturday, October 13th, the Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Kenneth Clay, Jr, and several other Grand Lodge Officers traveled to Horace Chase Lodge #72 for a Special Ladies and Masonic Veterans’ Program. The Deputy Grand Master was received along with the Past Masters of Horace Chase Lodge. Our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother John E. Lobdell, wasn’t able to attend due to another commitment and our Deputy Grand Master passed along his heart felt congratulations to all the recipients along with his apologies for not being there himself. The Lodge honored each of their Special Ladies with a gift. Right Worshipful Brother Clay then presented Brother Ed Lewis, who was accompanied by his wife and sister, with his 50 year Veterans’ Medal. There were additional Masonic Veterans who were not able to attend but were recognized, Brother Ronald C. Fuller and Borther John R. Bresaw ll, both 50 year recipients, and Brother Richard D. Jones, a 70 year recipient. There were a few surprises as well as Worshipful Peter Crouch was presented with the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouting Award and the afternoon culminated with Worshipful Joseph Hardy being very surprised to receive the Major General John Sullivan Distinguished Service Award in bronze. Lite snacks and good fellowship followed in the dining room.
Cheshire Mount Vernon Lodge Celebration
On Saturday, July 14th the members of Cheshire Mount Vernon Lodge No. 23 gathered at the Lodge in Cornish to celebrate their Masonic Veterans and to recognize a Community Builder. Our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother John E. Lobdell and members of the Grand Line were on-hand to join in the celebration.
The afternoon opened with Worshipful Brother David Haseman asking for an opening prayer and pledge of allegiance to our country’s flag. He then recognized Margaret Drye who provides medical services to the community. Our Grand Master presented her with the Community Builder’s Award. The Master then introduced our Grand Master to an attending Special Lady who was presented with a floral decoration. The Grand Master then honored Worshipful Brother Michael C. Shklar by presenting him with the Major General John Sullivan Distinguished Service Medal in Bronze. Congratulations Mike on a job well done!
Congratulations to Worshipful Haseman and the members of Cheshire Mount Vernon Lodge on conducting a delightful event.
Hiram Lodge 9 Installs Officers
Article by Brother Thomas Leblanc
Hiram Lodge No. 9 installed their officers for the 2018 year with Worshipful Brother Scott Whitney taking the helm. The nearly complete slate of officers were installed by Right Worshipful Brother Larry Sprague and his suite at his side we very well at this semi public event. We wish Brother Whitney a successful ensuing year.
Brothers Scott Whitney, Corey Gee, Thomas LeBlanc, Mike Huse, John Hall, Raymond Brown, Gene Jannenga, Ramon Greene, David Kinson, Robert Hamel, Ralph Nichols.
The celebration was further enhanced by the Honorable visit by the Most Worshipful Brother John E. Lobdell, Grand Master of NH who, to the surprise of Brother Mike Huse, Treasurer of Hiram Lodge, presented him with the Major General John Sullivan Award for Brother Huse’s continuous service to the Lodge, Brother Masons, the Community, and Masonry in general.
He is seen here with his family at his side. Hiram Lodge enjoyed the evening and thanked all those that attended.
Hiram Lodge Welcomes A New Brother
Article by Brother John Hall

Left to Right: Brother Mike Huse, Jr., Brother Gene Jannenga, the Master – Worshipful Brother Scott Whitney, Right Worshipful Brother Gary Ward, our candidate Brother Jason Walter Quinlon, Right Worshipful Brother Ray Brown, Borhter Robert Hamel, Brother John Hall, Brother Corey Gee, and Brother Ralph Nichols.
On Saturday March 24, 2018 Hiram Lodge No. 9 welcomed our newest Mason, Brother Jason Walter Quinlan into the Lodge upon completion of his EA Degree. The Lodge was called to order at noon by the Master, Worshipful Brother Scott Whitney and opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree. Many thanks to Right Worshipful Brother Gary Ward who stepped into the role of Junior Deacon to assist us in conducting the Candidate through his first steps in Masonry! Thanks as well to Brother Ray Brown and Brother Ralph Nichols from Faithful Lodge No. 12 in Charlestown for their service as Chaplain and Tyler. The Brethren enjoyed an outstanding beef stew lunch prepared by Brother Thomas LeBlanc before returning to the lodge to complete the meeting and retire from the Lodge on a beautiful sunny spring Saturday.
Father Installs Son at Cheshire-Mount Vernon Lodge No. 23
Despite the snow piling up outside the members and their ladies of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge No. 23 gathered for their regular monthly dinner and Stated meeting on Saturday December 9th. All through the dining room there was great conversation as a delicious venison stew was enjoyed by all. During the meeting the new Master, Worshipful Brother David Haseman, gave a very informative presentation on astronomy, more particularly the big dipper and the North Star, and their importance to historical navigation in the northern hemisphere and Masonry.
The evening was capped off by Right Worshipful Brother Larry Sprague, Junior Grand Deacon, installing his son, Brother Timothy Sprague, into the office Junior Deacon. Tim is a Past State Master Councilor of NH DeMolay and was unable to be the Installation in November because of a DeMolay commitment. Pictured is the elder Brother Sprague giving the younger Brother Sprague his Installation Obligation.
Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge No. 23 Makes Donation
At the Stated meeting of Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge No. 23 held on Saturday, July 8th, members of the Windsor (Vermont) Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls came to have supper and gave a presentation about Rainbow. The young ladies brought a delicious strawberry shortcake to share for dessert. Emily Herschel, Past Grand Worthy Advisor of Vermont, talked about what Rainbow offers to its members, the community work they do, their state charity, their upcoming Grand Assembly sessions and Supreme Assembly. She also spoke about the cost associated with these events and the effort that each Rainbow Girl puts in to raise the money to attend them. The members of the Lodge excused themselves from the dining room and opened the Lodge. After a quick discussion and vote the Master put the Lodge at recess and invited the young ladies and their Mother Advisor to join them. He was pleased to present them with a donation to help offset the cost of them attending their Grand Assembly which will take place in Rutland, VT on July 21-23.
Cheshire-Mt Vernon Lodge is the sponsoring body of Upper Valley Chapter, order of DeMolay. Most of the members of the DeMolay Chapter either do or did attend Windsor High School and have a very close relationship with the Windsor Rainbow Assembly. That relationship has extended to the Lodge and truly demonstrates the bonds of our Masonic family.
You can learn more about Rainbow at
New Hampshire Rainbow:
Vermont Rainbow:
1st Responders Service Recognition Cookout in Claremont
On Thursday June 15th at the Claremont Fire Department, the Men and Women of the Fire, Police, and Ambulance who make up the 1st Responders in Claremont, were recognized for their excellent service to the community. The event was organized by the local Members of Hiram Lodge #9 F&AM and Woodman-Aurora-Kimball-Summit Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Guest speakers from both fraternal orders included the Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, Right Worshipful Brother Kenneth A. Clay, Grand Worthy Matron of the Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, Sister Gretta Smith, and the head of General Grand Chapter Committee for the support of 1st Responders, Eugene Jannenga.
The Master of Ceremonies was the Master of Hiram Lodge, Worshipful Brother Thomas LeBlanc.
The event started with a Toast to the Flag which was discharged by the Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of NH, Right Worshipful Brother Larry Sprague.
After the completion of the speeches, the Fire Chief, Police Chief and Shift Chief from the Golden Cross Ambulance were welcomed to the podium and were presented with Plaques which recognized their very much appreciated service to the community.
The Plaques were made especially for this event by several members of RDS Machine located in Newport and Wepco Plating.
Food was donated by Liberal Beef, Leo’s Market, Hannaford’s, and Coca-Cola: all located in Claremont. Deserts were provided by the members of the Order of Eastern Star.
The Masons kept the hot food coming off the grill for 2hrs. Around 50 people were in attendance. The efforts extended to the 1st Responders this day was much appreciated and as the Fire Chief, Richard Bergeron and the Police Chief, Mark Chase expressed:“We don’t do it for the recognition though we do appreciate it. Our gratification comes from doing our job to the best of our ability and making a difference for the people and community we serve.”
75th Diamond Veteran’s Award Given to Brother Donald Wright
75th Diamond Veteran’s Award Given to Brother Donald Wright on June 7th, 2017
- The Brother Masons from Channel Islands Lodge celebrating with Brother Wright.
- Donald being congratulated by MW. Harry Maynard, PGM of California.
Brother Wright was raised in St. Peter’s Lodge No. 31 F&AM, Bradford NH, on March 18, 1942. He was born on November 11, 1914 and is currently living at Cypress Place Senior Living in Ventura. He is 103 years young.
At the request of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, Worshipful Brother. Luke Keith, PM (who was a member of St. Peters Lodge No. 31) of New Port-Mesa Lodge No. 604 and 9 members of Channel Islands Lodge No. 214 met to celebrate Bro. Donald’s 75 years as a Mason.
With overnight notice, the Brothers put aside their personal plans joined together in Masonic Fellowship to attend this celebration and recognition ceremony for Brother Wright. The brothers from Channel Islands Lodge who attended were: Most Worshipful Brother Harry Maynard, PGM; Worshipful Brother Gary Adkinson, Master; Worshipful Brother Andy Little, PM; Worshipful Brother Kirt Wilson, PM; Worshipful Brother Dee Matson, PM; Worshipful Brother Bill Kavanaugh, PM; Worshipful Brother David VadBunker,PM; Brother Roy Price, Brother Scott Neace, and Brother Rafael Longo.
Donald being congratulated by Most Worshipful Brother Harry Maynard, PGM of California.