Below is information on the 40th Annual New England Brotherhood Night, to be hosted by the Grand Lodge of Vermont on Saturday, March 19, 2022.
The first New England Brotherhood night was held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1982. The event was created so that the Brethren in New England could come together one evening a year to “spread the cement of Brotherly Love”. Too often Brethren don’t get an opportunity to travel to other jurisdictions. This event provides an opportunity to build those interjurisdictional friendships.
Over the years there has been an assumption that this is a Grand Lodge event. It is definitely not that, nor was it ever intended to be. Rather, this is an event for all Masons in New Hampshire and New England to socialize with their Brothers at a casual affair.
The tradition has been that the next Grand Lodge to host the event, provides the guest speaker. In 2023, the Grand Lodge of Maine will host, and they have invited Brother Luke Shorty to speak this year. Brother Shorty currently serves as the Dean of the Maine Masonic College and has been an instructor for the College for the last two years. He is the Past Junior Warden of Limestone Lodge #214 in Limestone, Maine. He holds a BA and MS in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Maine at Farmington and Montana State University, respectively. His career has been in education for the last thirteen years and he currently is the Executive Director of Lee Academy in Lee, Maine and its campuses in Shanghai, China, and Daegu South Korea.
Please contact the Grand Lodge office if you have any questions.
40th Annual New England Brotherhood Night
Hosted by the Grand Lodge of Vermont, F&AM
Lake Morey Resort
82 Clubhouse Road
Fairlee, Vermont
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Cash Bar Social Hour – 6:00 PM
Buffet Dinner – 7:00 PM
Speaker at the Conclusion of Dinner
Speaker from the Grand Lodge of Maine
Brother Luke Shorty
Maine Masonic College
$50.00 per person
Reservations are essential and must be made with the Grand Secretary by March 4, 2022
Business casual
Your lady will join us for the entire evening.
Overnight Accommodations
A special room rate of $149.00 will be available.
Make reservations on your own, by calling Lake Morey Resort at 1-802-333-4311. Mention the ‘Masons Brotherhood Night’
Make check for event payable to the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
Mail to:
Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
PO Box 486
Milford, New Hampshire 03055-0486