By Right Worshipful Brother David Cumming
On Saturday, January 19th, Brother Grandey West was installed as Worshipful Master of Corinthian Lodge 82 in Pittsfield. Right Worshipful Brother Dennis Tuttle, Jr. installed Worshipful West as Master and gave the Charge to the Master. Right Worshipful Brother David Cumming installed the elected officers and gave the Charge to the Wardens. Right Worshipful Ronald Brown installed the appointed officers and gave the Charge to the Brethren. Completing the District 5 Installing Suite were Right Worshipful Brother Dennis Tuttle, Sr., Installing Chaplain; Right Worshipful Brother David Akridge,Installing Secretary; and Worshipful Brother John Alden, Installing Marshal. Congratulations to Worshipful Grandey West and the Officers of Corinthian Lodge, and best wishes for a great 2019!