Scott R. Borthwick
Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master

Right Worshipful Brother Borthwick was born on March 16th, 1962 at Boston City Hospital and raised in Arlington, Mass.. He graduated Arlington High School in 1980 and enlisted in the U.S. Army. Serving from July 1980 to July 1983. His first duty station was Ft. Richardson, Ak. where he was assigned to a reconnaissance platoon. During the 2 years there he was promoted to the rank of E-5 or Sargent and received two Army Achievement Medals. In his last year of service he was stationed at Ft. Polk, La. This duty station convinced him not to re-enlist and was Honorably Discharge in 1983.
Returning to Arlington, Brother Borthwick went to work as a Union Millwright. Later that same year he met Donna Leblanc whom he would eventually marry. In 1987 Scott and Donna bought a house in Canaan, NH. They moved in permanently in 1988 and were married in the same house on October 31st, 1992. In 1995 he quit the Millwrights Union and started a construction company. This he ran until the market crash in 2008. In 2010 Scott founded Estate Wildlife Control LLC which he still operates today. RW Borthwick has served the Town of Canaan as a Selectman since 2008.
In 2004, Brother Borthwick joined Weld Webster Post #55 of the American Legion in Canaan, NH. With more than half the membership being members of Social Summit Lodge #50 in Canaan he soon submitted an application and was entered on October 1, 2005, Passed on November 21, 2005 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on January 30, 2006. On April 29th, 2006 he received the 32nd degree from Scottish Rite in NH. July 2006 He and Donna joined Summit Chapter OES. In November 2011 he was installed as Worshipful Master of Social Summit Lodge No. 50 and again in 2012. In May of 2012 he was appointed DDGM for District #7 by Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Paul M. Leary. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Stewart L. Aronson reappointed him in 2013 and 14. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Aronson presented him with the Major General John Sullivan Award in 2013. Also in 2013 and 14 he joined the 3 York Rite Bodies in NH. From 2014 to 15 he served the Valley of Concord, AASR as Most Wise Master Acacia Chapter of Rose Croix. In 2019 he was installed as Sovereign Prince Ariel Council Princes of Jerusalem. He also served the Valley of Concord as Membership Chairman for 8 years and the Membership Chairman for Council of Deliberation for 4 years. On August 27, 2019 he was selected to receive the 33rd degree in Cleveland, Ohio 2021. In June 24, 2017 he joined the Bektash Shrine and on August 25th, 2018 he was initiated into the Royal Order of Scotland.
Most Worshipful Past Grand Master John F. Gordon appointed Brother Borthwick to the Grand Line in May 2015. He served 2 years as Junior Grand Deacon. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master John E. Lobdell appointed him as Senior Grand Deacon for the next two years. In November of 2018 he was elected to Junior Grand Warden and installed as such in May of 2019.