Saturday, April 17, 2021
Portsmouth Masonic Temple
351 Middle Street
Portsmouth, NH
8:30am Registration
9:00am to 12:00pm (Breaks included)
Topics Covered:
- What happens during the Entered Apprentice degree?
- Where did Masonry come from?
- Why do we perform ritual and teach by degrees?
- What do I need to learn a lesson?
Who should attend?
This workshop is specifically designed for new Entered Apprentices and other Brothers who have not yet attained the Master Mason Degree. This is an ideal opportunity to develop the foundation of your Masonic knowledge. My Brother, you came knocking on our door seeking light, and this program has been developed to provide you just that! We encourage Masters of the Constituent Lodges to invite their new Candidates to this workshop and attend with them!
Dress is casual. Jeans are ok.
The Grand Lodge Book Table will be available for those interested in more information.
The Workshop is FREE of charge, but we ask that you RSVP to allow us to properly prepare.
RSVP to:
Dave Akridge, Grand Education Officer at [email protected] or the Grand Lodge office at [email protected].