D 6&8
always virtual updated by Mark
Grand Lodge of NH, Free & Accepted Masons
always virtual updated by Mark
Event Name: Under 65 Returning Customer - In Person Open Enrollment Begins November 1 For clients currently enrolled in a policy through Compass Benefits. Location: 47 Enterprise Drive, Windham NH […]
NATIONAL SOJOURNERS, Inc. WHAT: Monthly Meeting on 3rd Tuesday at 6pm. (except Dec-Mar)* * In August, the annual meeting & cookout is 3rd Saturday. WHERE: St. John's Masonic Lodge DINNER: […]
Usually 4th Tuesdays, but 3rd Tuesdays in Nov. & Dec. 6:30 supper 7:30 Open Collation after meeting
Dinner by reservation @ 6:30pm. RSVP to Ed Waible, Valley Secretary.