Grand Lodge of NH, Free & Accepted Masons
Dinner 6:15 Lodge Opens at 7pm Contact Jeff Odhner for dinner reservations: [email protected] 603-6703-8651
Business Meeting – Election of officers for next term Top 3 officers meet with Dad Dunham at 6:30 to review agenda, meeting starts at 7:00 Advisors meet at 6:00
Join with members of Benevolent Lodge for coffee, donuts, and muffins! Socialize and solve world problems with your brethren.
Dinner @ 6:15 Open @ 7:30 Open on M.M. Receive DDGM Suite Move to lower degree if necessary to admit EA and FC brothers Educational pesentation Grand Master’s message Escort EA and FC brethren out of the room Move to MM degree Close on M.M. Attire is dark suit and tie. Tuxedos for officers
NATIONAL SOJOURNERS, Inc. WHAT: Monthly Meeting on 3rd Tuesday at 6pm. (except Dec-Mar)* * In August, the annual meeting & cookout is 3rd Saturday. WHERE: St. John's Masonic Lodge (unless otherwise stated) DINNER: by Bro. Phil Fraser, $10. PROGRAM: (different program for each meeting). Bring your lady!
NATIONAL SOJOURNERS, Inc. WHAT: Monthly Meeting on 3rd Tuesday at 6pm. (except Dec-Mar)* * In August, the annual meeting & cookout is 3rd Saturday. WHERE: St. John's Masonic Lodge DINNER: by Bro. Phil Fraser, $10. PROGRAM: (different program for each meeting). Bring your lady!
James Lodge #102 Annual Lobster & Steak cookout:Saturday August 17, 2024 @ 12:00 noon to3:00pm at Saint James Lodge, 77 Tide Mill Road,Hampton, NH. 03842Please contact our S.W.Bro. Ray Gamble at603‐686‐2317 to make your reservation andindicate your meal choice:2 ‐ Lobster Chix (Appx 1 lb)or SteakCost is $25.00 per person. As always, Saint James SpecialLadies […]