From Right Worshipful Brother Thomas S. Lowe, Grand Secretary
For Right Worshipful Brother John E. Lobdell, Deputy Grand Master:
As promised, we have finally coordinated our United Kingdom tour to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of England. This was the beginning of our Masonic heritage in the United States! I have attached the following information for the trip. It will be an exciting time for all who wish to participate and travel with your newly Elected Grand Master and his Lady.
There are some restrictions in order to make this trip work. We MUST have participation of 35 people minimum in order to secure the pricing as listed in the attachment. It is imperative that we must not delay and respond as quickly as possible to meet the deadlines associated with the trip. Please note that “Each Individual” must register, (no couple registration). All of the information is included and the contact person we have been using is Patrick Craddock. Please refer all questions to Patrick at 615-881-2623.
Registration deadline is May 14, 2017.
As your newly Elected Grand Master, I would appreciate the courtesy of dropping me a line to let me know who might be traveling with us, so we can track the head count. For any “general” questions, please contact my wife, Cindy Lobdell, at 603-455-2277.
Thank you to all in advance, as we are very excited that many of our New Hampshire Brethren will be able to share in this once in a lifetime opportunity with us!