Article by Right Worshipful Brother David Collins, SGW
On Monday evening, Most Worshipful Brother John E. Lobdell held the last Veterans Program of his term at St Andrew’s Lodge No. 56 in Portsmouth. The program was held to honor Worshipful Brother Richard “Rick” Perry on being a Mason for 50 years. Brother Perry and Most Worshipful Brother Lobdell have known each other for many years as they had served together as Stewards in the Bektash Shrine.
Over sixty friends, family and Brethren attended the event. After enjoying a wonderful barbeque dinner prepared on by St. Andrews Lodge own “Chef Extraordinaire” Phil Frasier, they retired to the Lodge room for the presentation. Our Grand Master was then received with his suite and Brother Rick Perry’s son, Worshipful Brother Dan Perry, a Past Master of St. Andrews Lodge began the festivities thanking all for attending. It was explained that Worshipful Brother Rick Perry has been a member of St. Marks Lodge No. 44 in Derry since 1969 but is also an Honorary Member of St. Andrews Lodge No. 56. Brother Rick Perry then introduced all of his family and friends attending along with Brethren who came to support him from both of his Lodges. He was then presented his 50 year Medal by the Grand Master.

After the presentation Brother Perry took a few minutes to explain the many family ties he has to the Masonic fraternity and how much it has been such a great part of his life since he joined. Brother Perry hopes that more who join the fraternity will see the real value in it not just to say they are a member.
Most Worshipful Lobdell then concluded the program by thanking all for the great support that has been given to him in the past two years. The group then retired to the dining hall to enjoy some of the special cake that had been prepared for the occasion.