Surprises are a good thing and there were certainly some “Masonic Secrets” being kept on Monday night in Pembroke. Monday is the Stated Communication of Jewell Lodge #94 and what appeared to be a larger contingent than normal attended the dinner for the Lodge’s September Communication. After the meal, the Lodge was opened to receive the Grand Master of Mason’s in New Hampshire, Most Worshipful Brother Kenneth A. Clay, Jr.
As Most Worshipful Clay was being received he noted that there were a few guests with him and waived to the door of the Lodge. Then a steady stream of some 60 additional guests walked in, making a capacity crowd of over 80. They were all there to see Brother John Theuner, an Honorary Past Master of Jewell Lodge #94, receive the Major General John Sullivan Distinguished Service Award in Bronze.
As the Grand Master presented this prestigious award to Brother Theuner, the Grand Master stated that this is being presented for Brother Theuner’s service to the Lodge and the Community. Brother Theuner is a 48-year member of Jewel Lodge and the present Assistant Chief of the Pembroke Fire Dept., serving there for over 56 years.
Brother Theuner thanked all who attended and stated simply “I do this as I love what these organizations stand for and I am proud to be an active member”.
After many congratulations, the group retired to the dining room for cake and conversation.