The Masonic Childhood Identification Program was started in the United States in 1988 to provide a tool to help law enforcement find and identify a lost or missing child. The New Hampshire Freemasons brought this program to the State of New Hampshire many years ago in hopes to provide an additional measure of security for our families and beloved children.
The Child Identification Program addresses the alarming fact that over 460,000 children are reported missing each year. While most are found, many are not. ALL of the identifying materials generated by the program are given to the child’s family. We retain none of the information and this program is offered to the public at NO CHARGE.
The NH CHIP Program includes the following:
CD: A Computer CD that includes the following: child’s information, identification characteristics, height, weight, eye and hair color, birth marks and parents information.
Digital Fingerprints of all ten fingers: Fingerprinting is a well-known means of identification. As everyone’s prints are unique.
Pictures: Still photos of the child, front and side.
Video: A brief video interview is worth a thousand still photos. The CHIP Interview captures the appearance, speech, mannerisms and other important personal characteristics of a child.
ID Cards: Two ID Cards are included and can be printed and laminated so that the parent can carry one with them.
DNA Swab: A swab set is provided so the DNA can be collected from the child and used later by law enforcement.
Any Lodge or Organization may sponsor a CHIP event anywhere throughout the State of New Hampshire. All coordination of the event is through The Freemasons of New Hampshire.
For more information contact: [email protected].