NH Masonic Decal License Plate Guidelines
The Plate
The State of New Hampshire has allowed the Grand Lodge of NH Free & Accepted Masons to obtain specialty Decal License Plates to display the Masonic Square & Compasses on the plate. This is a special plate very much like a Vanity Plate in New Hampshire. In order to obtain this Decal License Plate you would have to return any License Plates you now have on the vehicle back to the State. This new Decal Plate would become the Vehicle’s primary License Plate.
Who can obtain this License Plate?
1) ONLY Masons per the below Guidelines can obtain these Decal Plates. Members of other Appendant or Concordant Bodies need the status of a Master Mason in order to obtain this Specialty Plate and Decal.
a. A Master Mason in Good Standing in the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire F&AM who is a Resident of the State of New Hampshire.
b. A New Hampshire Resident who is a Master Mason in Good Standing from another Jurisdiction in Amity with the Grand Lodge of NH F&AM.
2) Charges for the Decal Set (Two decals provided, one for the front plate and one for the rear plate)
a. $4.00 for NH Master Masons
b. $10.00 for Master Masons from OTHER Masonic Jurisdictions
i. Payment must be by check, money order or cash
Process to Obtain
STEP 1: Go to the NH DMV Office and obtain the NH Decal License Plate. Advise the State of NH you are a Member of the Freemasons and want to obtain a Decal License Plate. The State of NH will charge the applicable fees for this specialty license plate. The State of NH does NOT issue or have the Decal, the Grand Lodge office handles this. These Decals are specifically approved with the State of New Hampshire and the ones provided by the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, F&AM must be used.
STEP 2: Reach out to the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire F&AM Office to obtain the Decal Set for the Plates.
a. If a Master Mason in New Hampshire: The Grand Lodge Office will confirm you are in Good Standing and request the Fee of $4.00 for the Masonic Decal set.
b. If a Non-New Hampshire Mason: You will need to provide the Grand Lodge Office with a copy of your Dues Card and Certificate of Good Standing from your Home Jurisdiction. Once confirmed, the Grand Lodge Office will require the Fee of $10.00 for the Masonic Decal set.
c. You can come by the office during regular business hours, 8am-4pm, Monday – Friday. Be sure to bring your Dues Card or Dues Card and Certificate of Good Standing.
d. If you prefer, you can mail your payment, with a copy of your Dues Card or Dues Card and Certificate of Good Standing and we will mail you the Decal Set.
The Grand Lodge Office will track all Decals issued. In the event that the Decal becomes Lost, Damaged or Wear out a Duplicate Set can be obtained from the Office for the applicable Fee.
The Grand Lodge Office is located at:
Milford Masonic Temple
30 Mont Vernon St.
Milford, New Hampshire
Mailing Address is:
Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
PO Box 486
Milford, NH 03055-0486
Phone 603-554-1723
Email [email protected]