On Thursday October 6, 2016, North Star Lodge No. 8 was called to refreshment to receive visitors from the Bradley Council #1624 of the Knights Of Columbus of Lancaster to participate in a joint donation to the Coats for Kids Program of the Town. The visitors were:
Ben Pellerin, Grand Knight of Bradley Council #1624, K of C of Lancaster, NH
Mark Frank, Deputy Grand Knight of Bradley Council #1624, K of C of Lancaster, NH
Wesley Manning, Knight of Bradley Council #1624, K of C of Lancaster, NH
Above is a photo of our visitors with our Master, Worshipful Brother Robert Paradis giving matching checks of $150 each to the project.
This joint venture was spearheaded by the Knights who asked the Lodge if they would care to participate in the venture. The idea was eagerly accepted and the check was presented to Joyce Brenner of Child & Family Services.