Article by Right Worshipful Brother Dennis Sheridan
On Feb. 17, 2017, Gorham-Sabatis Lodge No. 73 held a Special Communication in Lancaster to confer the Master Mason Degree on two of their own Brothers. The District got together and solicited assistance from those who would volunteer to help. With a little guided direction, the degree team was assembled. Gorham-Sabatis Lodge filled the chairs with assistance as needed.
“The Over the Hill Gang” was something contrived by Right Worshipful Brother John W. Baker, PDDGM, to bring the brethren together at a calls notice. Brother Baker was famous for getting a group together and assigning the individual parts after they arrived! The “Gang” was a well-known name among the north country Lodges.
This time, though, the group banded together on more than 3 occasions for rehearsal and knew well what to do when the degree started. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we now have two new Master Masons among us.
The degree team parts were performed by the following Brothers:
Opening and Closing
WM Tim Lapointe
SW Marc Pouliot
JW Richard Dean
TR Chris Davies
SEC Rodman Davies
CH John Loven
SD Walter Weinmann
JD Shawn Cooney
MR Scott Newton
SS Gordon Rich
JS Russell A. Douglas
TY Lance Miller
First Section
WM Robert Paradis
SW Marc Pouliot
JW Richard Dean
TR Chris Davies
SEC Rodman Davies
CH John Loven
SD Walter Weinmann
JD Shawn Cooney
MR Scott Newton
SS Gordon Rich
JS Russell A. Douglas
TY Lance Miller
Second Section
K Sol Dave Howe
SW Paul Bouchard
TR Chris Davies
SEC Rod Davies
CH John A. Loven
SD Derek Myers
JD Shawn Cooney
MR Scott Newton
SS Gordon Rich
JS Russell A. Douglas
TY Lance Miller
1 Cr Walter Weinmann
Ja John Loven
Jo Thomas Ladd
Ju Dennis Sheridan
W Man Rod Davies
Craftsmen Ronald Crane, Tim Lapoint, Marc Pouliot, Gary Wall, Richard Dean, Robert Paradis
Thomas Ladd with assistance with the emblems as volunteered
History / Charge John Loven