George E. Danforth
1929, 1930
Born Nashua, November 13, 1861. Died 1939. Master Rising Sun Lodge, No. 39. Many years an employee in the post office, with 2 terms as Postmaster. Colonel on Governor McLean’s staff.
Allan M. Wilson
1931, 1932
Born St. John, New Brunswick, January 27, 1873. Died 1953. Master Washington Lodge, No. 61. Acadia College Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Lawyer. Received D. C. L. From Acadia in 1933. Served as First Vice President of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. Lawyer and State Senator. Active in civic affairs.
Orville E. Cain
1933, 1934
Born Greensboro, IN, February 8, 1869. Died 1952. Master Lodge of the Temple, No. 88. Lawyer. Mayor of Keene. 2 terms. State Senator. In Mexican border service for 3 years. Was “overseas” from February, 1918, to June, 1919. Our first Grand Master who served in the World War, and second Commander of the New Hampshire Department of the American Legion.
Halsey C. Edgerton
1935, 1936
Born 1884. Died 1967. Master Bezaleel Lodge, No. 100 and charter member. Became a Master Mason in Franklin Lodge, No. 6. Treasurer of Dartmouth College
Alexander MacIntosh
1937, 1938
Born 1886. Died in 1973. Master Gorham Lodge, No. 73. Represented Grand Master in 1963 at the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Tailor.
Warren H. Tucker
1939, 1940
Born 1869. Died 1950. Master Gideon Lodge, No. 84. Shoe business. Active in town affairs.
Robert C. Laing
1941, 1942
Born 1891. Died 1968. Master Lafayette Lodge, No. 41. Grand Treasurer (1943-1967). Lawyer.
Harold H. Hart
1943, 1944
Born 1882. Died 1951. Master Morning Star Lodge, No. 17. Chairman of War Service Committee during World War II. In textile industry. During World War I, served as consultant to Quartermaster Corps. State Senator.
John O. Lovejoy
1945, 1946
Born 1887. Died 1962. Master Union Lodge, No. 79. Trustee of Masonic Home. Industrialist. First Lieutenant in World War I. State Senator.
Harold O. Cady
1947, 1948
Born 1888. Died 1969. Master Mount Washington Lodge, No. 87. Grand Secretary (1954-1968). Banker, served in World War I.