Article and photos by Right Worshipful Brother Ken Clay.
October 5, 2014: On a beautiful autumn Sunday in Dover, NH, brethren, family and friends gathered to enjoy the Strafford Lodge No. 29 Veteran’s Program. The event began with a tribute to our Military Veterans. Pictured are members of Strafford Lodge who have served in the United States Armed Forces, accompanied by Right Worshipful Brother John Gordon, Deputy Grand Master.
Following the presentation by the Worshipful Master of Lodge Veteran pins for 5 to 45 years of service, the Master then turned the gavel over to Right Worshipful Brother Gordon who was representing Grand Lodge while our Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Stew Aronson is attending an out-of-state Grand Lodge function. Before concluding his presentation, Right Worshipful Brother Gordon presented Worshipful Brother Anthony M. Induisi with the Major General John Sullivan Distinguished Service Medal in Silver. Pictured are Worshipful Brother Induisi and his proud family.